I am the Universe, the Universe lives within me has been century belief beginning with the Masters of the East and the Yogis. Yes, the Universe lives with us. I have know this for 50 some odd years of my life. We look to astrology for answers, still understanding that this is seperate from us, when it is not. Our ancient ones knew this, yet they did look up to the sky for alignments, messages from beyond but well understood that what is happening with the universe is also happening within us. So for those who think Astrology is a fortune telling prediction, for some countries it is, but its really a science and connects all things within us from the beginning of creation. A subject I feel is worth getting into a deeper conversation.
Example: A recent aspect January 2020 proved to me and so many others that we cannot predict exactly the energies of the planets, however I did predict a mass loss in humanity, illness of greatness, huge financial loss for many and war. So within that Saturn Pluto conjunction lied a 3 year journey as Saturn is just this. And even though Saturn moved into another sign months later, it also retrograded back to meet not the conjunction, but the energy that took manifestation from the beginning the cycle began. It also set stage for a decade that will still be determined by this effect. Amazing as well, how many other planets and constellations joined this cycle and it became wordly. Once an aspect happens, when its over doesn't mean its over. The manifestation has happened and so the stage has been set and this can continue...It is only the Divine Source and the cosmos that sync as one that will determine the outcome...
YESSS!!!! Earth (aka Gaia) is part of the whole, and in sync with, the Universe; which would mean that all living things are too. The Universe is magic!
They have this saying birds of a feather flock together; if more humans involved themselves in a positive matter, more would (and will) flock to follow and give their attention to gain insight and grow an understanding! It's the same as nature in which we are; the difference is it is in sync and aligned, not fighting like humans against whatever it is that is keeping them blind. A group of birds fly in the air, one dips off to the left and or the right, and without any hesitation, the rest follow in sync. Humans are no different. Everything is connected to another; its hard to see when the polarity balance is off-key, yet so many of us are caught in the haze and bound to the chains that we want to escape but are unsure of what we are escaping from because we have been taught to be blinded to our truth(s)... because we are magic. Fear caused a shake and discord and froze humans only to see lower vibrating energies.
If Humanity could stop for a second and focus on the magic within instead of trying to peel back the layers to an onion on who and where the source of this magic is and exist to begin, we could then create and reconnect to the polarized harmony because the magic exists and begins within!
For those of you wondering what the magic I speak of is, well, take a moment and think about how I am able to write this message from my whereabouts and then how you are able to read it from yours. Or how one can pick up a phone and make a call to talk to another on the other side of the world. MAGIC, it is! Science knows this, and scientists still are now trying to connect to the bigger source. Science can not say it exists because it does not have the proof foundation of where it is, but they FEEL it and KNOW it, which is why they are still in SEARCH of it!
Fear of the unknown! If we knew the beauty of this the way our ancestors did, that paved and led the way, then the power that lives within could live to exist again!
Our bodies come from this earthly world, not into it, but from it. We are intuned to the synchronized magic (the energy), don't you see, won't you see, oh please help, won't you help yourself by finding your inner peace?